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2024 Rahu Transit: Read Rahu Transit Prediction For All Zodiac Signs

Author: Vijay Pathak | Last Updated: Sun 6 Aug 2023 11:33:00 AM

2024 Rahu Transit: Rahu is the most mysterious planet among all nine planets. As we all hear the name rahu we all get suspicious and scared of the planet because it holds the significance of uncertainties and sudden events in life, it is not easy for one to predict the effect of rahu. So before moving further and knowing about rahu let's astronomically understand what rahu is.

Check Out 2024 Rahu Transit Here

Rahu As Per Vedic Astrology

Astronomically, Rahu and Ketu are the mathematically calculated astronomical points of intersection of the paths of the Earth's axis and the Moon's axis as they move on the celestial sphere. Also known as the north node of the moon (Rahu) and the south node of the moon (Ketu). This is the reason they are always 180 degrees apart from each other and are known as the shadow planets because they don't have any physical bodies like other planets. 

And according to Vedic Astrology, the story of the birth of Rahu and Ketu is associated with “Samudra Manthan ''. When the ocean was churned, “Amrit” was produced and this Amrit was stolen by Asuras. To obtain the Amrit, Lord Vishnu took incarnation in the form of a beautiful apsara “Mohini '' and tried to lure and distract the asuras. After receiving the Amrit, Mohini went to the devas to distribute it to them. Swarbhanu is one of the Asur, who comes and sits between the Devtas to obtain some portion of the Amrit. Surya (Sun) and Chandra (Moon) realized that Svarbhanu was an “Asura '' and not one of the devas and informed Lord Vishnu. Knowing this, Lord Vishnu got angry and severed the head of Svarbhanu, who remained alive due to the consumption of a few drops of Amrit. And since then his head has been known as Rahu and the remaining body is known as Ketu.

Rahu is considered the king of Kaluga but it doesn't have lordship of any zodiac sign or Rashi out of twelve signs. It is a natural malefic planet. That signifies foreign land, foreign culture, illusion, gas, depression, stress, snakes (especially the head of the snake), infection, materialistic world, rahu is an amplifier, magician. Rahu takes 18 years 7 months and 13 days to complete one cycle of the zodiac, and to transit from one sign to another it approximately takes 18 months. For this year 2024, it will be present in Pisces. And because it is always retrograde there is no change in the motion of Rahu.

Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac. The sign of the fishes is a watery sign, mutable and feminine in nature, ruled by planet Jupiter, a planet of wisdom, spirituality, wealth, and learning. The sign of Pisces represents moksha, spirituality, meditation, advanced yoga, reiki, NGO, and selfless love. These are the things that are totally opposite to Rahu’s personality, therefore, Rahu is not very satisfied with the Pisces sign. But still, there are few things common like a foreign land or foreign energy so this transit of rahu in pisces sign will surely amplify the foreign traveling, knowing different religions, fruitful for different forms of astrology, pranic healings, international welfare organization.

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Impact Of Rahu Transit On Each Zodiac Sign

2024 Rahu Transit: Aries

To our Aries friends, in the upcoming year, Rahu is set to journey through your twelfth house, which encompasses foreign territories, isolation, medical facilities, and foreign corporations including multinational companies. This Rahu transit might lead to sleep disorders, triggering the activation of your subconscious mind and potentially causing peculiar dream experiences.

In the context of the 2024 Rahu Transit, Rahu's presence in your twelfth house could offer opportunities for international travel or residing overseas. The prospect of purchasing property or a home in a foreign land might emerge. Alternatively, you could encounter favorable circumstances for personal and professional growth, establishing connections with foreign friends, or encountering foreign mentors. However, if your ongoing dasha (planetary period) is unfavorable, this Rahu transit could also bring unfavorable consequences.

Given that the twelfth house embodies themes of isolation, confinement, and hospitals, and considering Rahu's propensity for magnification, vigilance over your health and your mother's well-being is crucial. Overlooking your health could potentially lead to hospitalization. Individuals grappling with addictions to substances like drugs or alcohol might experience intensified indulgence, potentially leading to treatment facilities. Those involved in unethical or illegal activities could also face legal repercussions.

Moreover, the 2024 Rahu Transit in the twelfth house might contribute to a surge in unforeseen and avoidable expenditures. As this transit takes place in the sign of Pisces, individuals with spiritual inclinations or those practicing occult sciences such as astrology, tarot reading, or psychic abilities could experience heightened learning due to the activation of their subconscious minds.

In conclusion, Aries natives are advised to remain particularly attentive to health matters, unplanned expenses, and sleep-related challenges due to Rahu's presence in the twelfth house.

Remedy- Try to eat at least one meal a day in the kitchen where it is prepared

2024 Rahu Transit: Taurus

To all Taurus individuals, in the upcoming year 2024 Rahu Transit will occur in your eleventh house. This particular house pertains to financial gains, social connections, aspirations, elder siblings, and paternal uncles. As Rahu takes its place in your eleventh house, an intensification of your material desires will manifest, urging you to amplify your financial prosperity and expand your social network. This inclination might lead you into social conflicts and peer pressures, thereby potentially compromising your studies.

This Rahu influence could propel you to allocate more of your resources towards fulfilling your desires, potentially fostering a tendency to showcase your possessions. Additionally, the eleventh house holds significance in terms of investments. Consequently, it's of paramount importance for Taurus natives to exercise prudence and discernment in financial dealings, avoiding undue trust in others, as the likelihood of financial deception is pronounced.

The likelihood of misunderstandings with elder siblings or paternal uncles is also indicated, which could adversely impact your rapport with them. Vigilance in communication is advised, steering clear of confrontational discussions. The 2024 Rahu Transit in the eleventh house suggests that this is a year to approach your finances with caution. Engaging in risky ventures or speculative endeavors is not recommended during this period. Moreover, refraining from excessive partying and social engagements is prudent, as these activities could strain relationships with close friends, siblings, and cousins.

This 2024 Rahu Transit could adversely affect students' academic performances and could potentially lead to marital difficulties for those who are married. In conclusion, Taurus natives are advised to exercise financial prudence, maintain a balanced approach in social interactions, and be cautious in their investments and financial ventures due to the influence of Rahu in the eleventh house. 

Remedy- Regularly give some money to your sweepers, domestic workers, and cleaners.

2024 Rahu Transit: Gemini

To all Gemini individuals, this year, 2024 Rahu Transit will occur in your tenth house, governing your career and professional endeavors. This positioning of Rahu in your tenth house brings promising prospects, particularly from foreign sources, that will greatly contribute to your professional advancement. This period holds exceptional potential for individuals in fields like acting, content creation (such as YouTubing), and the entertainment industry. Rahu's influence is poised to bestow recognition and renown upon your life.

Moreover, the general Gemini population will also experience an amplified aspiration for acknowledgment in their respective undertakings. Throughout this year, due to the dominant influence of Rahu in your tenth house, your focus will gravitate intensively toward your career, potentially leading you to overlook your familial and household responsibilities. Consequently, challenges in your domestic sphere might arise, necessitating your attention.

It's conceivable that you might have to relocate frequently, both nationally and internationally, due to professional demands. While work-related factors could be the primary driver, familial conflicts or property disputes might also contribute to such circumstances. This phase could possibly lead to property divisions or partitions within families.

This 2024 Rahu Transit could even impact your relationship with your mother, causing conflicts or affecting her well-being. It is thus recommended, dear Gemini natives, that you strive to strike a balance between your professional pursuits and domestic life, recognizing the significance of both facets in attaining overall contentment and prosperity.

Remedy- Regularly take the blessing of your mother and try to avoid conflict at home or with family members.

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2024 Rahu Transit: Cancer

To Cancer individuals, in the upcoming year, 2024 Rahu Transit will take place in your ninth house, governing aspects related to principles, paternal figures, extensive journeys, spiritual quests, and fortune. This positioning of Rahu in the ninth house will likely compel you to challenge societal conventions pertaining to religion and spirituality. However, embarking on this unconventional path won't be devoid of challenges; you might encounter difficulties. Yet, your mentor or spiritual guide will play a pivotal role in assisting you, aiding in the resolution of problems and conflicts, and effectively turning challenging situations in your favor. It's worth noting that resisting doubts and maintaining faith in their guidance is essential to avoid discord.

For those Cancer natives who currently lack a mentor but are actively seeking a spiritual advisor, exercising caution while selecting such a guide is advised. This year, the probability of encountering deceptive individuals exploiting religious contexts is notably high. Moreover, the potential for being swayed by foreign or diverse religious leaders also exists.

Simultaneously, a sense of detachment from cousins and close friends may manifest, accompanied by a reduction in verbal communication. Despite speaking less, your words will be characterized by profound knowledge and sagacity. 2024 Rahu Transit particularly favors individuals involved in roles like preaching, teaching, guiding, mentoring, and advising, aligning well with your pursuits. Furthermore, you'll also dedicate time to your pursuit of higher learning during this phase.

Remedy- Regularly take the blessing of your father and guru.

2024 Rahu Transit: Leo

During the 2024 Rahu Transit for the Leo individuals, in the current year, Rahu will undergo a transition into your eighth house, influencing aspects related to lifespan, unexpected events, and confidentiality. With Rahu positioned in the eighth house, the element of uncertainty in your life is likely to increase. It's recommended that you maintain mindfulness concerning your health and exercise caution while driving. However, there is a positive aspect to this placement: it will cultivate a research-driven mindset within you and pique your curiosity about esoteric knowledge. This influence will notably benefit students in the field of research.

Moreover, 2024 Rahu Transit in the eighth house will induce a transformation in your personality. While it can indeed lead to the augmentation of shared assets with your partner, if you're dealing with relationship challenges, it's advisable to steer clear of exacerbating them during this period.

In essence, Leo natives, in light of this placement, exercising prudence with your finances is paramount. Refrain from taking undue financial risks or engaging in speculative ventures, as these actions could potentially lead to fiscal setbacks and constraints in your life. Simultaneously, ensure the well-being of your family and attend to family life with care.

Remedy- Maintaining good relations with in-laws can be fruitful.

2024 Rahu Transit: Virgo

To the Virgo individuals, in the coming year, 2024 Rahu Transit will take place in your seventh house, which governs matters of matrimony, life companionship, and business partnerships. The presence of Rahu in this sector may result in an excessive preoccupation with relationships or your partner, potentially causing discomfort for them. Those Virgos who already contend with adverse influences affecting their seventh house in their natal chart could experience further complications due to this transit of Rahu.

This particular 2024 Rahu Transit also introduces the likelihood of entering into relationships where either you or your partner engage in acts of infidelity. The outcome hinges on the specifics of each individual's natal chart. Such occurrences can invite a negative reputation, societal isolation, financial predicaments, diminished self-assurance, and akin challenges into your life.

Furthermore, unmarried Virgos might find themselves entering unions or relationships with individuals from foreign backgrounds, characterized by significant cultural or religious disparities. Virgo natives engaged in business are cautioned to exercise mindfulness in their partnerships, as elevated possibilities of misunderstandings and miscommunication could escalate into business issues or partnership misconceptions. 

It's prudent to abstain from risky financial ventures and refrain from forming new alliances or collaborations hastily. In a broader sense, Virgo natives are advised to cultivate strong moral character, as indulgence in unethical behavior could lead to troublesome consequences.

Remedy- Do not consume liquor or non-vegetarian food.

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2024 Rahu Transit: Libra

To all Libra individuals, in the upcoming year, 2024 Rahu Transit through your sixth house, which governs adversaries, ailments, rivalry, and maternal uncles. The presence of Rahu in this sector might result in health-related concerns, such as stomach, kidney, or liver infections. Therefore, it's imperative to be vigilant about your well-being during this period. Students engaged in competitive pursuits could face challenges and may also be susceptible to deception by others. Individuals entangled in legal battles or court proceedings might fall victim to deceit perpetrated by their opponents.

Yet, concurrently, Rahu's presence in the sixth house can empower you to overcome your adversaries, creating an illusion that could confound your enemies. The outcome is contingent upon the specific dasha (planetary period) the native is undergoing. This 2024 Rahu Transit holds the potential to either significantly reduce your debts or amass substantial financial obligations. It might involve taking loans or expanding your credit card limit. For Libra individuals involved in business, this period might not be particularly advantageous, as it could lead to the accumulation of an unfavorable reputation.

Conversely, those engaged in the service sector or working with NGOs will likely garner acknowledgment for their contributions. In conclusion, due to the 2024 Rahu Transit in your sixth house, it's advisable to refrain from guaranteeing loans for others or engaging in disputes, as these actions could bring complications into your life. Monitoring your expenditures, and focusing on your health through proper nutrition and exercise, are essential practices during this time.

Remedy- Adopting a pet would be very favorable if that is not possible at least to serve street dogs and cats.

2024 Rahu Transit: Scorpio

To our Scorpio friends, in the upcoming year, 2024 Rahu Transit will occur through your fifth house, which governs areas of education, romantic relationships, and children, and it is also linked to accumulated past merits. The presence of Rahu in this sphere can infuse you with a profound sense of creativity. However, simultaneously, it might engender challenges associated with your educational pursuits, romantic affairs, or interactions with your offspring.

For Scorpio students, this 2024 Rahu transit might lead to academic distractions, pulling your interest toward alternative fields. Striking a balance between your passions and educational commitments is crucial during this phase. Those aspiring for higher education could encounter obstacles and find themselves lacking support from teachers and professors.

To Scorpio individuals involved in romantic relationships, heightened vigilance is advised, as misunderstandings could crop up, potentially hindering your love life. If you're currently unattached, prudence is essential when entering new relationships, as there is a notable risk of deceit and heartbreak.

Expectant Scorpio mothers are recommended to exercise care for their own well-being and that of their fetus. The presence of Rahu in the fifth house might lead to certain pregnancy complications. Conversely, for Scorpios seeking to adopt a child, this period holds auspicious potential.

Additionally, this 2024 Rahu Transit can introduce unexpected shifts within the professional sphere of Scorpio natives. In conclusion, it's prudent for Scorpio individuals to maintain a heightened awareness of their children and family matters. Refraining from financial risks and speculative endeavors is strongly advised during this time.

Remedy- Do some donation for the orphan children or for the education of a needy child.

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2024 Rahu Transit: Sagittarius

To our Sagittarius friends, in the upcoming year, 2024 Rahu Transit will take place through your fourth house, which governs aspects related to your mother, domestic life, home, property, and vehicles. The presence of Rahu in this sector might stir within you a desire to expand your living space, invest in property, or even acquire luxurious vehicles. However, despite these aspirations, a sense of contentment within your home environment could prove elusive, potentially leading you to contemplate moving or embarking on travel. It's important to note, however, that this might not be the most opportune time for such pursuits, as disruptions in your domestic sphere could manifest.

A cautionary note pertains to the possibility of falling under the influence of Nazar Dosh, which can detrimentally impact your family life. Additionally, you could encounter mystical occurrences within your home during this period. To counter such effects, it's advised to regularly engage in home-based rituals and ceremonies.

Conflicts with your mother or her experiencing health issues might also emerge during this time. On the professional front, work-related travel, particularly abroad, is indicated. However, this could coincide with significant expenditures, as you might find yourself purchasing foreign items to adorn your home. Anticipate the arrival of guests from foreign lands as well.

In summary, Sagittarius natives are counseled to be mindful of both their mother's well-being and their own emotional health due to the influence of 2024 Rahu Transit this year. Delaying plans to purchase or construct a home is recommended, as this could potentially lead to various challenges. Prudent financial management is essential during this period.

Remedy- Light a camphor lamp daily in the evening inside the house to eliminate the negativity.

2024 Rahu Transit: Capricorn

To the Capricorn individuals, in the approaching year, 2024 Rahu Transit is poised to journey through your third house, which oversees matters related to siblings, pastimes, short travels, and communication aptitude. With Rahu's influence in your third house, you can anticipate a heightened sense of bravery and diplomacy in your communication style. This attribute will particularly benefit your professional life, especially if you are involved in roles like sales, storytelling, media, or creative writing, such as novels or poetry.

However, it's crucial to recognize the potential drawbacks. This 2024 Rahu Transit might lead to complications or misunderstandings with your younger siblings. They could also encounter challenges or contemplate journeys to foreign lands during this period. Rahu's presence could amplify your courage, self-assurance, and assertiveness, bolstering your public image. Yet, this might inadvertently strain personal relationships or marital life. This newfound attitude might even cause you to disregard the counsel of your father, mentor, or guru, potentially resulting in long-term repercussions and financial losses.

Therefore, dear Capricorn natives, it's paramount to discern the fine boundary between confidence and overconfidence, between assertiveness and arrogance. Strive to maintain this equilibrium, preventing arrogance and aggression from undermining your interpersonal connections.

Remedy- Drop coconut in flowing water.

2024 Rahu Transit: Aquarius

To the Aquarius individuals, in the forthcoming year, 2024 Rahu Transit will journey through your second house, which governs matters related to family, communication, and savings. With Rahu situated in this sphere, your communication style is likely to adopt a diplomatic tone. However, it's worth noting that if your natal chart carries negative Rahu influences and you lack maturity, this could potentially lead to a penchant for excessive lying. Consequently, this habit could strain relationships within your family.

While your savings might experience an upswing, you could paradoxically find yourself feeling discontent with your current financial state. There's a possibility of indulging in excessive alcohol consumption and non-vegetarian food, which could prove detrimental to your health. This behavior might contribute to the development of chronic health issues like diabetes or thyroid problems. These health challenges could, in turn, impinge upon your professional life.

Moreover, the tendency to fabricate falsehoods and make hollow commitments could yield short-term gains, but this practice might erode your reputation and adversely affect your career trajectory over time.

In conclusion, Aquarius individuals are advised to exercise awareness in their communication patterns, refraining from falsehoods and empty promises during the 2024 Rahu Transit. Prioritizing family bonds and upholding family values is paramount. Gratitude for financial stability and accomplishments should be cultivated, and due diligence to health is crucial.

Remedy-Chant “Om Rahave Namaha” daily 108 times.

2024 Rahu Transit: Pisces

To our Pisces friends, in the upcoming year, 2024 Rahu Transit is poised to traverse your Lagna, which signifies your physical body, personality traits, characteristics, and temperament. With Rahu's influence in your Lagna, a tendency toward self-deception could emerge. You might overemphasize and misconstrue aspects of your personality, physical appearance, and ego. There's potential for a shift toward self-centeredness and self-obsession. Paradoxically, this could also result in projecting an exaggerated public image, creating an illusion about your persona. This dual effect might yield both positive and negative outcomes, contingent on your current Dasha.

This 2024 Rahu Transit might pose challenges in your relationships, as an elevated self-perception might lead you to prioritize yourself over your partner. Pisces students should anticipate hurdles, as this Rahu transit could divert their focus from academic goals and potentially strain relationships with mentors and teachers.

Regarding your health, remaining cautious of snake or insect bites is advised, as the likelihood of such occurrences is notably elevated. The allure of a materialistic and superficial lifestyle could be strong. But as this contradicts your inherent Jupiter-governed Piscean nature, this 2024 Rahu transit might evoke internal turmoil and a sense of spiritual dissatisfaction. 

To address these concerns, remedies for Rahu are recommended. Reflecting on your behavior and seeking guidance from a spiritual mentor you trust can provide support during this period. Utilizing a reflective approach and connecting with your spiritual beliefs can assist in navigating this influence.

Remedy- It is suggested to daily make a tilak made of saffron and apply it on your forehead.

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